Debris Dumpster Covers
BMPs are found at metropolitan and district facilities and they are operational where there is waste, scrap, trash or debris. Major reasons why toxic compounds, oils, and grease, heavy metals, suspended solids, nutrients, and other pollutants find their way into storm water runoff and snow melt, is due to the improper storage and handling of solid, liquid and other forms of dumpster waste. The only way of stopping or preventing the emancipation of pollutants to storm water from waste handling is by proper channeling, storage, handling and management of waste by using a debris dumpster cover. The potential for storm water pollution can inherently reduce by re-use and recycling, reduce waste generation, and source reduction.

Industrial Dumpster Covers
Management Practices
- All trash container lids should be closed always, except when putting or removing waste materials and kept indoors or under a roof.
- Industrial dumpster covers should be secured at all times
- Plastic liners are preferable in ensuring leak tightness.
- Leaking dumpsters should be returned to the owner for replacement.
- Do not put liquid substance in a dumpster or trash container.
- Outdoor trash containers should be put in places of low elevation, but should not be left near storm drains or ditches.
- Make sure your waste is picked at the appropriate time and by an approved disposal facility. If you notice your waste is exceeding the capacity of your dumpster then get a new container or increase the frequency of pick up.
- If you must wash the dumpster container, do not wash them outdoors. Trash container should be returned to owners for cleaning at their facility.
- During working hours, waste should be dumped at the appropriate container in the surrounding office/work site. In the absence of trash containers, bags should be used and taken back to base for appropriate disposal.
- Industrial dumpster covers on jobsites follow the same procedures as business locations.

Construction Dumpster Covers
Important Installation During Construction / Renovation
- Dumpsters should be placed on a flat surface and should be properly placed in a location that is not going to allow for run off into the sewer system.
- Construction dumpster covers should be secured at all times when not loading or unloading the container.
- Liquids should not be placed inside of construction dumpsters which could leak out and pollute the environment.
Required Employee And Contractor Training
- Employees and contractors whose work will generate waste, scrap, debris or other elements of trash outdoors should be trained on BMP processes.
- Schedule training often for new employees and contractors on BMP practices.
- Spill clean-up procedures should be taught to all employees and contractors who are required to clean up spills or leaks. See BMP: Spill Clean Up.
- Employees and contractors who work outdoors and deal with good housekeeping and proper storage should be trained. (See BMPs: Good Housekeeping & Spill Prevention and Outdoor Container Storage, and Food Service & Waste Handling.)